
June On The Homestead

June flew by. I was so busy the first 2 weeks with the end of school, then summer chores kicked in. The gardens keep me busy, with new ideas and things to do. We did farmer markets in mid May into mid June, then took a break to catch up. The general theme has been cool this month. Less water needed, but the plants are not growing as fast as they should be.

June came in with lots of promising starts, and the tomatoes are all looking great, though they could be taller.

Chives in early June:

One positive about cooler weather was the pea crop. The dwarf peas produced heavily. The tall peas are still producing heavily as July starts!

Strawberry Calendula.

Fully bloomed Strawberry Calendula.

The personal garden doing its thing.

Walker helping me harvest Yukon Gold Potatoes.

Early potatoes.

Alistaire planting a strawberry plant.

Doing a great job with no help from me.

The harvest begins –

First garlic pulled up to check it. Plot spoiler: it was great tasting!

First tomato of the season – a White Cherry.

Native trailing blackberries. Just coming into season at the end of the month.

The first of the lavender plants we grew from seed starting to put on blooms.

Strawberry plants waiting to go into the ground.

And in June we started the vision I had. Kirk tilled the land, then down went the garden fabric.

The boys rocking the field.

Start of the plot.

Lower fence was in, and the rows are getting close.

The bed will be strawberry plants in the fence, outside is rhubarb, sage, lavender and helichrysm plants with more going in.

As for me, work awaits and more to get done in the coming weeks!
