Bioengineered Foods

“You Are Privileged!”

Anytime you think you haven't seen it all, wander into the comments on reels and shorts on social media. The other day, I saw a reel on Facebook where the comment section was playing into the victimhood many people create for themselves to avoid hard work. A woman had created it, talking about how she… Continue reading “You Are Privileged!”


Pantry Staple Recipe: Potato Salad

What is a pantry staple recipe? It is one you can prep with ingredients you have on hand and keep around all the time. We are an ingredient household where creating recipes is a necessity. I am not a huge potato salad fan because I find it too mushy, whether I bake or boil the… Continue reading Pantry Staple Recipe: Potato Salad


Proud To Be An Ingredient Household

Have you heard the term "Ingredient Household" yet? Because it is all the rage with the kids these days on Tik Tok. Where they show the world how poorly done to they are (or were) because they grew up in an ingredient household. Instead of a "Snack Household". Yeah, I had a good laugh first… Continue reading Proud To Be An Ingredient Household