
Chickpea Salad Filling

Years ago, Kirk and I were plant-based in our diet until our youngest was born, and his long line of nut and other food allergies showed up. It was a bummer because I had become adept at making pantry staple recipes with beans, nuts, and seeds. Affordable, filling, and not meat-based. As he has gotten older he can now eat many beans, so I have been using them more.

Kirk asked me if I’d make him a chickpea salad for his lunches this week. I have been working on various recipes, and this was the first. This recipe isn’t plant-based, as I used mayonnaise, but use what you prefer. If you used vegan mayo, it would be plant-based.

This Chickpea Salad Filling reminds me of hummus, with the tahini as the dressing base. We used lower-sodium canned chickpeas, which were difficult to find ten years ago in grocery stores.

Chickpea Salad Filling


  • 2 15.5-ounce cans of chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1 tsp capers, drained
  • 2 Tbsp tahini
  • 2 Tbsp mayo
  • 1 tsp granulated onion
  • 1 tsp granulated garlic
  • Fine sea salt, to taste


Drain and rinse the chickpeas.

To mash, place the chickpeas in a medium mixing bowl and chop them up with a fork or a hand food processor. Do not use a regular food processor; it will quickly become hummus!

Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well—taste for salt. We are used to a lower-sodium diet, so use your own taste to judge how much salt you use.

Store tightly covered in the refrigerator.

Spread on sandwiches, or top a green salad with scoops for a protein addition.
