Gardening · Homesteading

The Newest Raised Bed

When we were having the issue trees removed around our property, I pulled out a few for projects. We have an odd upper lawn section that I'd guess the previous owners used for nothing, but to mow it once in a while. It is where I planted rhubarb in the spring, and put in a… Continue reading The Newest Raised Bed

Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

Building New Garden Beds

It all started with the removal of 3 very ugly contractor grade special trees: Good riddance. They blocked sun oddly, were not healthy, and poisoned the ground around them. The problem is…people put them in when small, then they grow quickly, and they are never shaped, and just go crazy in a few years. And… Continue reading Building New Garden Beds

Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

Raised Garden Beds

Raised Garden Beds. A very hot topic for gardeners and urban (or suburban!) homesteaders. They are being talked about from where you expect (gardening magazines) to even a year-long project in Cooking Light Magazineto newspapers – and pretty much all over the internet. It’s not a shocker why they are popular. It is a nearly… Continue reading Raised Garden Beds

Gardening · Homesteading · Upcycling · Urban Homesteading

Swimming Pool Garden Beds

Last year in early May, I wrote a post on making raised garden beds using inexpensive children’s swimming pools. So did you wonder how that project went? Well, how about we peek in on this year’s garden: I added in a second bed this year. It is playing host to two types of bush beans and a… Continue reading Swimming Pool Garden Beds

Gardening · Homesteading · Upcycling · Urban Homesteading

How My Garden Grows: Fun Seed Time

While I am not sure if Walker quite understands gardening yet, he does love the results. The ones where he gets to pick goodies fresh from the garden! And I know Alistaire will be right behind him this summer….trying to wedge in for a few berries if he can. But I can at least try to show… Continue reading How My Garden Grows: Fun Seed Time