
Old Time Chocolate Pie

I saw this recipe as a picture on Facebook that someone had shared. No website, no directions.

But I am good at the cooking part, and this wasn’t a hard looking recipe. It’s just a pudding pie to be honest.

It’s too bad they didn’t put their website on it, as I would have given credit.

The boys love Chocolate Satin pies (or as we call them Chocolate Satan pies due to how indulgent they are…..) and this was a lot healthier, and a lot less ingredients. Simple really, right out of the pantry. Save the egg whites for adding to a breakfast scramble in the morning.

The filling would make a great ultra thick pudding as well.

Old Time Chocolate Pie


  • ½ cup dark cocoa powder
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • 1½ cups sugar
  • ¼ tsp fine sea salt
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 baked and cooled pie shell*


*Bake your pie shell as directed (pricked with a fork all over to keep it flat), then let cool on counter while you make the filling.

In a tall saucepan add the cocoa powder, cornstarch, sugar, and salt and whisk well.

Whisk in the eggs, then the milk.

Heat over medium heat, whisking constantly. It will be thick at first, then a liquid, and then as soon it starts to bubble, it will thicken quickly.

Once thick, take off the stove and whisk in the vanilla.

Scrape into the prepared pie crust, smooth out. Let cool for 15 minutes on the counter, then transfer to the refrigerator and chill till cold, at least 3 hours.
