Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

February Crops To Plant

It’s nearly February. The call to start growing is so strong, especially if you get warmer days like we are this week (it’s supposed to hit 58° on Sunday!). The lengthening light helps you want to be back outside. I know our warm cycle will go away, and back to chilly, but still, it gets my desire to start planting up.

I don’t plant outside this time of year due to the seasonal rains on our homestead, as we live in grow zone 8b. The seeds just don’t do well. The soil is often waterlogged this month, and can/will still have overnight freezes – or even snowfall for the next 2 months. For seeds and delicate plants, this is often too much for them.

But you can start inside, be it in your home, under grow lights, or in a greenhouse. We use our unheated greenhouse, so yes it does get chilly at night, but I find I get stronger plants. However, I do have a lower germination rate than inside a 67° house. And that is ok to me.

In another month the first hardy starts can go outside (kale, certain lettuces, spinach) and by March I’ll have the first peas outside, weeks ahead of everyone else, so I can get in two spring crops, not just one. For high-density planting, this is essential to have two crops. As you are planting the first crop in the ground, you can start round 2 either inside again, or if warm enough, outside in the ground.

Seeds To Start:

  • Artichokes, from seed
  • Asparagus, from seed
  • Beets (can be sown in the ground early)
  • Broccoli (start early for spring crops)
  • Brussel Sprouts (start early for spring crops)
  • Cabbage (start early for spring crops)
  • Cauliflower (start early for spring crops)
  • Celery
  • Chard
  • Collards
  • Herbs
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Leeks
  • Lettuce (hardier like romaine/or winter varieties is best early on)
  • Onions, from seed (Large sweet onion varieties take so long to grow, early start times can matter in getting a harvest on time)
  • Peas (bush is best for first planting)
  • Peppers (They can wait until March)
  • Radishes (can be seeded in the ground early)
  • Rhubarb, from seed
  • Spinach (look for hardier varieties that can handle lower temps)
  • Strawberry, Alpine (Can take 14 weeks to germinate)
  • Tomatoes (They can wait until March)

Now is the time to start picking up seeds if you haven’t so far. It’s still early for most stores to have seeds in stock, but online companies are fully stocked with 2024 seeds. You have a couple more weeks to plan for the first planting!

If you use our link to Sow Right Seeds and put in code “SARAHK10” you can save 10% on your order (orders of $25 or more get free shipping as well). They are also running their early deal if you buy 10 or more packets, they give you 25% off. That in itself is a major bargain. Their seed packets are fairly priced, at $2.99 to $3.79 in general. Add in a discount, and you have a great deal. So no matter what you are shopping for seed-wise, you will get a deal at Sow Right Seeds. I just ordered a bunch of their newest varieties (they added a new asparagus and more medicinal herbs!)
