Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

The Lies, Half-Truths and Money Pits About Homesteading: Heating A Greenhouse

A greenhouse can change a homestead or small farm. No doubt about it, it can stretch your growing season by months, on both ends, and if heated, and with grow lights, you can produce food year round. But there is one downside: The high cost of heating it in colder months, especially if you live… Continue reading The Lies, Half-Truths and Money Pits About Homesteading: Heating A Greenhouse

Gardening · Homesteading · Markets · Urban Homesteading

Profitable Market Gardening Workshop

Kirk and I had the chance last week to attend Green City Acres "profitable market gardening workshop" in Kelowna, British Columbia. Kirk and I have had dreams and plans for the farm/homestead, and while we are making headway with that, we needed help to achieve it all. How do you take your goals/wishes/wants and make… Continue reading Profitable Market Gardening Workshop

Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

Raising The Greenhouse

Marriage warning: Building a greenhouse can be a great activity. It might also cause fights 😉 Just remember that. Thankfully we apologize. Eventually. Lol.... This all started with a lengthy discussion of where to put a greenhouse in the backyard. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut 😉 It would have involved a lot… Continue reading Raising The Greenhouse

Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

Setting Up A Portable Greenhouse

Spring is coming, even if most think of January as the depth of winter. Here in the PNW, even with a “modified Artic blast” freezing us periodically over the past month (it has flipped between chilly and blue skies/to rain and fog to blue skies and warm), the trees and shrubs are showing signs of… Continue reading Setting Up A Portable Greenhouse