Homeschooling · Homesteading

Science On The Go

In one of the overgrown forest sections on our land, we have spent the past few months opening it up. What was once dense, dark as night, with no breeze is now open, light and airy. We pulled up the tree branches to about 8 feet up and took out all the saplings free growing, along with the scrubby undergrowth. As I was working last week I looked over by a stump and saw an odd shape. At first glance I figured it was yet more garbage (we have pulled so much out of this section), then I realized it was a skull, poking out of the forest duff. At some point, before we had cleared this area, a giant mess of Evergreen Huckleberry bushes were here. A raccoon had passed away under it. By the way the bones were laid out, it was slightly curled up. We found some fur, and a tiny bit of leathered skin, but it was weathered bones mostly.

Once I saw it was an animal skull, I called the boys over. Never pass up on the chance to add in homeschooling, even if it is summer vacation. These are chances they won’t get otherwise, and can learn so much without realizing they are learning! And even I learned a lot.

I carefully lifted out the skull, one piece had broken off.

Alistaire, who is 6, was very fascinated by it. He got to looking, carefully brushing duff with his gloved fingers. He found a lower jaw quickly.

Then my 20-year-old got involved. It was like CSI time on the farm 😉 While they uncovered the skeleton, I did research online and shared it with them.

In the end, all the bones they found, and displayed on a stump nearby.

I’ll take science anywhere we can find it! We talked a lot about animals, and why the raccoon would have chosen that area for its resting spot.
