
Easy Thumbprint Cookies

This recipe pulls together quickly, and is a true pantry recipe, using items you should have on hand most times. Ans no eggs either!

For the jam, I suggest a seedless, and thick one for best results.

It’s a nice rich cookie, that are more like shortbread, yet soft to bite into. A real mini treat to enjoy.

Easy Thumbprint Cookies


  • 12 Tbsp unsalted butter (let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes)
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 150 grams all-purpose flour
  • ½ cup jam


Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper, cut to fit. Preheat oven to 350°.

Add butter to a stand mixer bowl, beat until smooth. Scrap the bowl well with a spatula.

Add in the condensed milk, beat till mixed. Scrape the bowl well, to bring up any butter from the bottom.

Beat for about a minute.

Add in the flour in 2 portions, beating in on low, until the dough is smooth.

Place the dough in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

Using a 1 Tablespoon disher make balls, and smooth quickly with your hands.

Place on the baking sheets (they don’t spread overall so you can do half on each sheet).

Lightly oil your thumb, and press down gently to make a divot in the center of each cookie.

Place a ½ teaspoon jam into the center of each cookie.

Bake for 10 to 12 minutes (12 was perfect).

Let cool before enjoying, to be sure the jam has cooled down.

Store tightly closed to keep fresh.

Made about 28 cookies.
