Homesteading · Recipes

Oatmeal Bread

This Fall I am back to making bread, but I have also decided I need to use our bread machine less, and work on my handmade bread skills. The bread machine I can always use on the really busy days when we need a loaf of bread, but I am busy. The other days, it’s time to try new recipes out and enjoy all the flavors.



Oatmeal Bread


  • 360 grams bread flour
  • 89 grams old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 3 Tbsp packed brown sugar
  • 3 Tbsp dry milk
  • 1½ tsp fine sea salt
  • 2 tsp activated dry yeast
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter, diced
  • 1¼ cups water


  • 1 large egg white
  • 1 Tbsp cold water
  • 1-2 Tbsp old fashioned rolled oats


In a stand mixer, with a kneading hook, add the bread flour thru water.

Start on low and work up to medium, letting it knead for 7 minutes. It may look sticky, do not add more flour. The oats take on moisture more slowly than the flour.

Lightly oil a mixing bowl, knock the dough into it, then flip over. Cover with plastic wrap or a clean towel.

Let rise for an hour.*

Lightly oil a work surface. Knock out the dough, and gently flatten the dough into a 6″x 8″ rectangle. Fold over a third, then the other third on top (like folding a piece of paper into thirds for a letter). Reshape into the rectangle and repeat again, and it looks like a dough log of about 9 to 10″ long.

Lightly oil a 9″5″ bread pan, place into it. Cover it with plastic wrap misted with oil, let rise for 1 hour 30 minutes*.

Preheat oven to 350º 15 minutes before the dough is ready.

Whisk the egg white and water together in a small bowl. Brush on gently (you won’t need the entire amount), then sprinkle on the remaining oats.

Bake for about 40 minutes until the top is golden.

Loosen and knock out, let cool on a wire rack.

Once cool, store in a bag to keep fresh. Can be sliced and frozen as well.

Makes 1 loaf.


*Our kitchen/house is often on the cool side. I put a heating pad on to medium heat and place the dough onto it to keep it properly warmed and rising. I do this method for both rises.
