Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

Prepping Your Fall Garden In July

Talking about Fall on June 10th seems almost mean. But if you don’t get to it now, you won’t be prepared for an extended growing season. Start planning, as the go time for a fall season is the end of July for those in grow zones 7-8 to have seeds sowed and plants going in the ground. This gives you nearly 3 weeks to get it all done.

Yes, it is hot and bright out, but work in the early morning or the late evening, as the sun dips. I personally love my evening time, as the world gets quiet, working until I can barely see. I love watching the bats come out, and flying above my head.

Every time you plant seeds, you are sowing hope for yourself and those you love.

Wondering how much you should plant? I worked it out for you.

What to get working on this week/month:


You knew I would say that, right? But it is true. Chores lead to a happy garden/homestead. Your garden doesn’t have to be perfect

  • Go out and walk your gardens, pull things that were sapped by heatwaves and won’t make it back (for example, lettuce that is bolting). I feed this to our chickens. They love those days, getting tasty greens.
  • Weed, even though it sucks to do (I hate weeding so much but it feels great after I do it). Figure out what you will be harvesting soon, such as onions and garlic, and figure out what can be sown in those spots for say the next 60 days. You could do peas or beans, and then be ready to put in garlic for the Fall by October to November…..
  • Check fences for damage. This is how rabbits will slip in for a quick meal.
  • Look at trellising you might have up, that needs repairs or changes.
  • Prune your tomatoes if you haven’t, to promote the energy to the fruit.
  • If you need to fertilize, do it soon.
  • If your wood chips in your walking aisles are gone, add in more. They suppress weeds and keep moisture in.
  • Walk your land and look for noxious weeds to pull. We have to deal with Tansy, Thistles and those nasty blackberry runners that rip at your legs. Pull often, and they decrease over time. Where we live if you put noxious weeds in black bags the local dump takes them for free.
  • Think long and hard about if you would like more garden space. This is the time of year to start planning. If you have to lay down silage tarps to kill weeds/grass you want the hot sunny days to do the work. It’s a good 6 to 9 months time for it, so get started for next Spring and let the hot sun do the work for you.
  • It’s also time to start thinking about prepping for cold spells, even though it is far away. It’s easier if all you have to do is run out and attach a sheet of frost fabric, rather than building it all when you see the weather shifting.

Seeds In Soil – 


Sow every 2 weeks direct seed, bush beans can be seeded up to early to mid-August for fall crops. Bush bean varieties grow faster than pole, and are preferable for fall as they require less time to mature.


Last week of July to mid-August for fall crops. Seed every 1-2 weeks till then.


Transplant first week of August. Get into pots now as seeds. Like today!

This crop grows best as a fall crop. It can bolt to seed in early warm springs. Protect late summer plants from summer heat with shade cloth if needed.

Brussels Sprouts:

Grow like Broccoli.


Seed by August 1st for fall crops. Seed every 2 weeks for continuous harvesting. Consider growing smaller varieties that take less days to mature.


Certain varieties are planted in fall, to be harvested the next year.


In most summers grow it continuously, when it’s too hot for lettuce. Seed every 2 weeks for continuous harvesting through mid-August.

Garlic & Shallots:

Direct plant October to November, before hard freezing. Buy now, or when you pull this summer’s crop, save some for fall planting.


Plant by mid August for fall crops. Seed every 2 weeks for continuous harvesting. In many areas, Kale will over winter and start producing in early spring again.


Plant by August 1st for fall crops. Can sow direct or start in pots late July.


Resume seeding end of July to plant fall crops through mid August. Can direct seed or start in pots. We prefer seeding in 4″ pots so they avoid slug damage when tender.

Onions, from seed:

Green onions can be seeded every few weeks for a continuous crop, through mid August.


Direct seed from mid-July through first 2 weeks of August for fall crops.

Bush takes less time than tall climbing varieties, and are preferable for fall.


Plant July and on for fall crops. Grow smaller varieties for best results (save the russets for summer). Ensure they get plenty of sun, fall grows well in large containers. Keep them in as much sun as you can and watch they stay watered in the hot days of August.


Resume in August for fall crops. Seed every 2 weeks for continuous harvesting.

Spinach/Bok Choy/Other Greens:

Direct seed or start in 4″ pots by second week in August. Seed every 2 weeks for continuous harvesting.

Squash (Zucchini):

Can be seeded through late July.


Sow every 2 weeks direct seed, through mid-August.
